Monday, 16 July 2007

The Tagging Complaint.

Having found a way to eliminate most of the usual Transperth part of my morning recently, I had thought my troubles diminished. Never mind -- Transperth doesn't fail to disappoint, and how well I should have already known it.

354 bus departing Wellington Street Bus Station at 5:36pm 16th of July, bound for Mirrabooka.

Some guy in a Bob Jane T Mart t-shirt sits down next to me, asks his companion for a piece of chalk and begins tagging the back of the bus seat. I ask him to stop. He leaps up from his seat and stands over me in cliche tough guy fashion, asking aggressively, "D'you wanna get off the bus?", to which my response is, "No, but I'd like you to stop breaking the law." He moves to sit behind me and tries to "argue" his case with predictable grumblings that I have a problem, so I tell him I don't really want my taxes going to clean up his scribblings and he tugs at the Bob Jane T Mart logo on his shirt -- I suppose to inform me he's also a taxpayer and would like his funds to go to cleaning up his own doodles. He then informs me next time he plays with chalk he should do it on my face, so I decide to get up and tell the bus driver -- surprise, bus driver doesn't care! Never mind that almost every second bus is plastered with the anti-graffiti advertising poster Transperth put out.

Upon arriving home I called Transperth and made yet another complaint. They are to review the video on the bus and call me back within a few days.