Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Why? (fare increase July 1st 2007)

There are time when all the world's asleep when questions run too deep for such a simple mind.

Why - if the Smartrider system was supposed to save us money - are fares being increased now Smartrider has been in place for two months?

I was thoroughly under the impression that Smartrider was implemented to cease the loss of revenue from all the fare evading train catchers. We've now had two months of the revolutionary system and suddenly - surprise! - fare increase. So why does Transperth need more of my money when they've thrown out their net and hauled in all those juicy fare evaders?

This system was touted as a great thing for saving money, making money, claiming money, etc etc... so much so they've successfully convinced me that it's all about parting everyone from their money, be they fare evader or no.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. The 'smartrider' system was supposed to be more efficient - it isn't on any level more efficient and, if any further proof was needed, the fare increase would be it.
Until all the stations are closed fare evasion will continue.
The other crazy thing about this fare increase is that under the old system you could buffer the effect by stocking up before the fare change - no can do now! As soon as 1 July hits everyone will get slugged with the higher rate straight away.
Another thing - I NEVER used to queue to swipe my multirider - now EVERY time I get off a train I have to queue to tag off! EVERY TIME!!!
Check out my comments on this debacle at jsmill.wordpress.com

Mirri said...

Hey hey =)

Just came along to have a look, and agree with transperthian suckiness.

Remember back in the day, waiting a the busport, waiting for a bus to ECU MtLawley - and next to us, every 10 minutes an empty bus to UWA would merrily head off. That got somewhat annoying..

Mirri said...

8 things about me, you're up! =)

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and that they should read your blog.

Anonymous said...

I remember when they used to have conductors on trains. You'd catch the train, and the friendly old chap with the the ticket dispenser would kindly ask you for 40c for your train ticket. Now you get a passive agressive pseudo-cop making threats. Thems where the days :(